New Caledonia
The island is a department of France
(town hall in Noumea)
the cathedral
with French style buildings
tribute to France
French administrative building just off the public park
band stand in the park
waiting for the bus
shopping for new dresses
but the native people are Melanesian
ore boat or petrol boat?
(New Caledonia's chief export is nickel ore)
political graffiti
Along the Pacific coast
along the coast
restaurant at the traffic circle
traffic circle in front of the yacht basin
More People Photos
playing "hop-scotch"
Other Pacific Islands
In the Pacific are
many islands with very diverse peoples and cultures.
Many have been
largely untouched by Western civilization.
To visit these is a unique
The Indonesian Island of Komodo
The Indonesian Islands of MOLUKA
The Indonesian Island of Selayar
The Indonesian Island of Sulawesi
The Indonesian Island of Sumatra